Losing a pet can be one of the most painful experiences a person can have. There is much talk in today’s world about unconditional love. It would be wonderful if human beings were capable of displaying the same unconditional love our pets give us.
Have you lost a pet that you still miss that died one, five or over ten years ago? You are not alone…
Many people grieve the loss of their pets for many years following the loss because they were never given the proper tools to recover from their grief. Instead of recovering from their loss, they learn to live with their pain, hoping that time will heal. Unfortunately time alone never heals.
Some people are surprised at the intensity of the pain they feel after losing a pet because they compare the loss of a pet to that of a person. But is it that shocking?
Our pets are our constant companions. They love us whether we have a good day or a bad day. They are the closest we will ever experience to unconditional love because they don’t judge. For many people the relationship they have with their pets is closer than the relationships they have with many people, so when our pets die, run away, or have to be put to sleep, it’s heartbreaking.
Until now there were very few resources on what do when your pet died. Well meaning friends and family suggested replacing the pet with a new one. Some people got a new pet only to find they didn’t love it with the same intensity as the one that died. Others decide to never get a pet again, so they won’t have to endure another loss. The problem with all those suggestions is they don’t deal with the real issue, which is emotional completion with the pet that died. This is important so that the loss doesn’t affect future relationships.
Grief is the normal and natural reaction to a loss of any kind. However, pet loss is one of the most discounted grieving experiences out there. All too often people say things like: “It was just a cat.”, “Why don’t you get another dog? That will make you feel better.” “Don’t feel bad, they are in a better place.” “I know you feel bad, but it’s been a month. Shouldn’t you be over this by now?”
The truth is, there is often an added layer to pet loss in that many times, we as the pet parent have to make the gut wrenching decision to determine when their end will come. “Did I do it too soon?” “Was it really the right thing to do?” “I feel so guilty!”
Sometimes due to live circumstances we have to surrender our pets for reasons beyond our control. The bottom line is regardless of why our relationship with our pet has ended, we are left feeling incomplete and with regrets. Compounded by the fact that many people don’t understand and are not helpful, we are forced to stuff our feelings inside. One of the saddest things that can happen with unresolved grief around a pet is the resistance to opening up our hearts and homes to another pet in the future out of fear of being hurt again.
People say that you have to let go and move on with your life but no one tells you how to do that. The Grief Recovery Program for Pet Loss is a way for you to really heal your heart around the loss of your pet. Not only will you be given a safe place to talk openly and honestly with someone without fear of being judged, you will be shown what actions you can take to truly grieve this special relationship and get emotionally complete with anything unfinished. By healing in this way, you will also be able to let go of the pain around the loss of your pet and hold onto all the fond memories. When you do this, you can then better decide from a place of peace whether or not you would eventually be open to getting another pet in the future.
At this point you might be wondering what the next step is. It’s important to take action but also to proceed at a pace that you feel comfortable with. So here is what you can do to take the next step.
Simply schedule a Free 15 minute consultation with Debbie, during this time feel free to ask Debbie anything you like about the Pet Loss Support program so that you feel 100% comfortable with the process. This is a no pressure call simply to answer any questions you have and to see if this program is a good fit for you. And if it is then Debbie will show you how you can get started. That’s it… Now use the link below to schedule your Free 15 minute phone consultation with Debbie today.
The Grief Recovery Method Guide to Pet Loss:
This free e-Book will help educate you on some helpful things you can do to recover from the painful experience of losing a beloved animal friend.
DOWNLOAD e-Book Below
We would like to invite you to hear from some others that have gone through the grief recovery method program. Many of them didn’t know themselves if this program was for them. But by taking a leap of faith they found peace in the process. You just might find the peace your seeking as well…
Spent several sessions walking thru the grief recovery method with other’s walking the same path. Debbie was our facilitator. She guided us with grace and compassion allowing us to process our grief, each in an individual way. This is experience was transformational in my daily walk. The grief is still there, but, I’ve attained a new lightness within myself and an appreciation for the relationship that was cut short by his death. I am thankful for the Grief Recovery Method.
Nancy E.