You are so much more than meets the eye . . .
It started with . . .
“Something is missing, and I don’t know how to fix it. ”
“Something is missing, and I don’t know what it is…”
“No, I don’t know what it is…”
How does one grapple with this feeling of something is missing?
“It’s not stuff . . it’s not people. So many friends, I feel loved. I feel a deep love for my family and by my family…”
“Yet, I feel this loneliness…”
Those were a few of his words . . . his thoughts…
How many feel …
this in their mind, body, and soul? And heart? How many feel isolated?
What would make a difference for you?
As I reread my son’s thoughts . . I want to fix it.
Yet I cannot. He is gone.
The day he died, I vowed to follow my heart and serve those who are hurting.
So you are seen, heard, and acknowledged.
Hope is my jam.
I don’t know how to do it any differently.
And I don’t want to.
Do you feel an emptiness?
There are so many that feel empty and don’t know how to fill the emptiness.
To feel connected . . deeply connected. To what you ask? A deeper connection to life.
Connected to self? To another human heart and being? Connected to God?
Connected to a deeper calling, a purpose?
I am feeling deeply today…
Wanting my son back… to talk with him. to hear his voice, to hear his laugh. Just to BE with him. To stand by his side.
He was a deep soul. He loved his family so… I know he did
Yet something was missing…
I don’t do surface…
I can’t. It feels fake and insincere.
I long for connection, deeper conversations – about our journey and experiences of life. . speaking to why we are here. About our connection with our creator, God; With Spirit, With Jesus.
So that is not what you are connected to? Okay, could you share with me what you are connected to? What are you passionate about? What fills your heart?
Is it mother nature? A longing for intimacy. A longing for feeling deeply.
Do you feel seen? Heard? Or acknowledged?
Or is this something you have always yearned for?
Isolation is haunting and very lonely.
Is something missing for you? Is something feeling different, and you don’t know what it is or what to do?
What would you want at this moment?
Do you need someone to connect with for that deeper conversation, to just talk to? To seek answers?
Count me in.
With love and a gentle reminder, you are so much more than meets the eye.
YOU matter.
Hugs to you . . as I am a hugger.